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      加工、出口大蒜,exporting garlic

      信息类型: 卖货信息
      产品品种: 大蒜-混级蒜
      发布时间: 2024-02-24 07:52
      交易方式: 当面交易
      产品价格: 价格随行
      信息时效: 长期有效
      所在地区: 山东省-济宁市-金乡县
      • 真实姓名:李贝
      • 手机号码:13325191301
      • 常用QQ号: 有事您找我
      • 职业类型:个人
      • 公司名称:久天果蔬有限公司
      • 具体地址:山东省金乡县国道30号
      • 会员头像:
       13325191301李贝(微信同号),我公司位于金乡县大蒜国际交易中心南侧,地理位置极佳。金乡县是我国大蒜的主产区也是我国大蒜第一产区,极具获取市场信息更及时和国内外客户更广泛的优势。我公司主要专注于大蒜产业,专业从事大蒜收购、储存、代收、代存、加工、出口一条龙服务,专业的大蒜行情分析和储存指导,同时我公司本着“信誉第一,质量第一,服务第一”的原则,获得业界的认可并与国内外客户建立了长期稳定的合作关系。WhatsApp:+8613325191301   Email:xiaobei819111@163.com    Wechat: 13325191301
      I'm LiBei you can addres me Bei, our company is located in the south of Jinxiang County garlic International Trading center, excellent geographical location. Jinxiang County is the main producing area of garlic in China and also the first producing area of garlic in China, which has the advantage of obtaining market information more timely and more extensive customers at home and abroad. Our company mainly focuses on the garlic industry, specializing in garlic acquisition, storage, collection, storage, processing, export one-stop service, professional garlic market analysis and storage guidance, at the same time, our company in line with the principle of "reputation first, quality first, service first", has been recognized by the industry and established a long-term stable cooperative relationship with customers at home and abroad.
      主办单位:天下良田网络科技(山东)有限公司 客服咨询:0537-3163971 17753730581 值班咨询QQ:434956480
      承办单位:济宁市特色农业研究院 值班咨询:0537-3163974  本网站名称:国际大蒜贸易网
      战略合作单位:中国蔬菜流通协会 客服微信:dasuan5100 邮箱:nongyanyuan@126.com
      网站域名:www.chstpw.cn 备案许可证号:鲁ICP备11033414号-9 邮政编码:272000
      地址:山东济宁市高新区柳行街道红星东路京投SOHO 七楼    
      工作时间:周一至周六 8:00-12:00、13:30-17:30(夏季14:00-18:00)  值班时间:周一至周六 19:00-21:00、周日 9:00-12:00